The next Boot Camp runs from February - June 2025!

LRD’s Basic Skills Boot Camp

Our Basic Skills Boot Camp is a 4-6 month comprehensive roller derby training course. Absolutely no prior experience is necessary to participate! We teach you proper skating form and stance, agility, game play, strategy and everything in between to allow you to become a successful and safe skater. The boot camp is run by our experienced coaching and training staff, accompanied by help from experienced LRD skaters. Our boot camp is designed to help hopeful skaters reach their full potential, regardless of prior skill, experience and ability; never limiting or discriminating any member. Ever. Our organization prides itself on providing participants the best possible opportunity to flourish in a safe and positive environment.

This boot camp is designed to prepare participants to learn how to skate and play the sport of roller derby. The first sessions (Part 1) are Level 1 & 2 beginner course skills; teaching stops, falls, proper derby stance and skating form. After the completion of Part 1, skaters move onto Part 2 (Level 3 Intro to contact) for the next sessions. For more information on the baseline standard of our training curriculum, please visit,

We have a flexible attendance option! While you will see more noticeable progress attending every session, we understand life happens. That is A-OK. Start skating and attend practice when you can. Our trainers will be working with your skill level on an individual basis, which means even if you miss a few, we will get you caught up to speed. LRD firmly believes that your progress is your journey - you won't be limited to or pushed past your comfort zone to match the progress of those around you. If you find yourself taking more time to pick up a skill, we will make sure you succeed at your own pace.

Did we mention, NO EXPERIENCE IS NECESSARY! We will teach you everything you need to know. We are recruiting skaters, referees and non-skating officials.

orientation & Gear fitting

Plan to attend one of the offered informational orientations
and should you need to borrow gear, attend the gear fitting.

Sunday, Feb 9, 2025 | 2-6 PM @ Court One Training Center

VIRTUAL ORIENTATION Tuesday, February 11 | 7:00 – 9:00pm
Video call link:
Or dial: ‪(US) +1 385-999-6083‬ PIN: ‪113 936 772‬#

Dates & Times

February 16 through June 15 | Sundays 2-4 PM | Wednesdays 8-10 PM

  • Part 1 (Level 1 & 2 skills) | February 16 - April 23

  • Part 2 (Level 3 skills) | April 27 - May 18

  • Skills Assessment | Sunday, June 1, Wednesday June 11 & Sunday June 15

    Can't make it one day that week? No problem, we will get you caught up based off of where you are at in your skills development!


$120 due upon registration- Pay Here!


All training sessions are held at our home venue Court One Training Center

What you will need

  • Athletic Apparel (clothes you can sweat in)

  • Water Bottle (it’s hot in our venue, no AC)

  • Roller Derby gear (Loaner gear is available for free)

  • Mouth Guard (a SISU can be purchased at our venue)

Gear can be purchased ahead of time for best fit, however we do have loaner gear available at NO COST TO YOU. Feel free to utilize our loaner gear until you can get into gear of your own. At orientation, we will go over our recommendations for gear. The items you will need are:

  1. Roller Derby Quad Skates

  2. Helmet

  3. Knee pads

  4. Elbow pads

  5. Wrist Guards

  6. Mouth Guard

Here are some resources you can use to learn more about roller derby gear.
WFTDA Gear Up!

Sucker Punch Skate Shop


  • Derby Warehouse (Online)
    Use the code ‘MAVEN’ and receive 15% off your purchase

  • All About Derby (In-person by appointment / online) based in Lapeer, MI
    Contact Lulu @ 586-808-0331 | 10% discount for being with LRD

The Skills Levels

Skaters progressively learn the skills required to play roller derby in three level sections. Level 1 and 2 skills are taught in Part 1. Level 3 skills are taught in Part 2.


  • Stopping (Plow, Knee Drop, T-stop)

  • Roller Derby stance

  • Strides, pushing, and crossovers

  • Speed control

  • Basic Agility

  • Endurance training

  • Proper and controlled falling form


  • Advanced agility

  • Turning around/ Skating backwards

  • Jumping & Landing

  • Skating around and avoiding other skaters

  • Pack work (skating in a group)

  • Intro to roller derby concepts


  • Positional blocking

  • Contact by leaning

  • Assists (whips and pushes)

  • Basic game play & strategy

  • Full Contact - Hitting (receiving and giving)

  • Endurance (27/5)

Part 3 of Boot Camp training will involve participants applying practiced basic skills to rules, strategy and game play:


  • Defensive wall work

  • Offensive blocking

  • Jamming skill, technique and strategy

  • Advanced rules & strategy

  • Game play awareness & experience

  • Derby Endurance (2 minute jams)

Participants have a number of ways to get involved with the league:

  • Women (including cis, transgender, & intersex women, and gender expansive participants) who are 18 or older are eligible to join as a rosterable skating participant.

  • Everyone 18 or older is eligible to become an official or volunteer
    (Referee and Non-Skating Official)

The moment you decide you would like to be part of the team, you are. All participants are eligible to become LRD members, attend practice and begin to pay their monthly membership dues at the conclusion of boot camp. There are no specific tryouts and you won't get cut. Participants are invited to continue practicing at our regular team practices and continue working on skills. LRD has a rolling admissions policy, meaning anyone can join at anytime.

LRD has adopted WFTDA's gender policy, visit for more information.

Please contact with any questions