who can join?

Youth of all genders, ages 7-17 are eligible to join LJRD. LJRD provides opportunities for skaters of all skill levels to learn and play in a fun, safe and supportive environment.


email juniors@lansingrollerderby.com for more information on our next youth boot camp

In-Person Orientation:
Gear Fitting:
First day of boot camp:
Last day of boot camp/ Skills Testing


If you are having issues with this form, please email juniors@lansingrollerderby.com

PRACTICE TIMES & Season length

To view our upcoming practice times, please check out google calendar

  • Please try to have your child arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the start time of practice. Junior skaters are expected to be geared up and ready to skate by the beginning of the practice time listed.

  • Post practice allow your child 10-20 minutes so they can de-gear, return loaner gear to the closet (as necessary) and exit the building.

  • No experience is necessary to attend. Each practice session we will have basic skating skills training. We don't have any bouts scheduled yet, so as we get back to training after a two year hiatus, we are putting an extra focus on skating skills & beginning roller derby concepts with minimal contact.

  • Roller derby is a year-round sport. We take a small breaks during the summer and around the winter holidays. We anticipate (once we start playing again), bouting on average, once a month.


All training sessions are held at the Court One Training Center (7868 Old M-78 Rd, Haslett, MI)


All participants may begin their trial period at no cost. After 30 days, participants will be asked to pay their monthly membership dues. Skating equipment can be borrowed for free.

  • Monthly Membership Dues: $50 per month

  • Annual Roller Derby Insurance: ~$50 / child

  • Uniforms: ~$140 for two uniforms (not required at this moment)

  • Required Equipment: varies depending on quality, new or used, need, etc.
    (See equipment recommendations below)

For more information about our scholarship options, please review this document or email treasurer@mittenmavens.net with any questions.

Skating Skill Minimums & Requirements

No skating skills are necessary to join. All new skaters will begin with basics & beginners training program and must pass a minimum skating skills assessment before contact is allowed.

JRDA’s classification of skating skill levels:

Beginning Skaters, Skill Level 0 – Beginning skaters are learning to skate and practicing basic safety, skating, stopping, and falling. They do not play derby, but focus on learning basic skating skills and the very basics of derby.

Skill Level I – Level I skaters are becoming masters of their skates, learning basic game play and teamwork, and beginning to scrimmage and bout positionally. They are beginning to learn more advanced rules and strategies. Level I skaters typically play exhibition games within their own league.

Skill Level II – Level II skaters are playing using pushing contact only in scrimmages and games. They are also learning advanced teamwork, rules and regulations, and strategic play; practices emphasize fluidity of motion and building skeletal muscular strength and endurance. Typically, skaters are age 9 or above when they are able to meet Level II requirements, but there is no set age requirement. Level II skaters typically play regulation games within their own league, or scrimmages and exhibition games between leagues.

Skill Level III – Skaters who pass the Skill Level III Assessment demonstrate adult level competency on skates and with the rules. Level III skaters practice, scrimmage and play using full-contact rules. Level III skaters play JRDA sanctioned games for inter-league rankings, and in JRDA tournaments and championships. In addition, Level III skaters are expected to help teach lower-level skaters and to be ambassadors for the league.

Skaters learn the skills required to play roller derby in a four-level progressive structure.


  • Advanced agility

  • Turning around/ Skating backwards

  • Jumping & Landing

  • Skating around and avoiding other skaters

  • Pack work (skating in a group)

  • Intro to roller derby concepts


  • Stopping (Plow, Knee Drop, T-stop)

  • Roller Derby stance

  • Strides, pushing, and crossovers

  • Speed control

  • Basic Agility

  • Endurance training

  • Proper and controlled falling form


  • Defensive wall work

  • Offensive blocking

  • Jamming skill, technique and strategy

  • Advanced rules & strategy

  • Game play awareness & experience

  • Derby Endurance (2 minute jams)


  • Positional blocking

  • Contact by leaning

  • Assists (whips and pushes)

  • Basic game play & strategy

  • Full Contact - Hitting (receiving and giving)

  • Endurance (27/5)


  • Athletic Apparel (clothes you can sweat in)

  • Water Bottle

  • Roller Derby gear (Loaner gear is available - just bring a mouth guard!)

Gear can be purchased ahead of time for best fit, however we do have loaner gear available at NO COST TO YOU. Feel free to utilize our loaner gear until you can get into gear of your own. At orientation, we will go over our recommendations for gear.

All participants are required to wear all of the following protective gear:

  1. Roller Derby Quad Skates

  2. Helmet

  3. Knee pads

  4. Elbow pads

  5. Wrist Guards

  6. Mouth Guard

Here are some resources you can use to learn more about roller derby gear.
WFTDA Gear Up!
Sucker Punch Skate Shop

Where can I buy gear?

  • Derby Warehouse (Online)
    Use the code ‘MAVEN’ and receive 15% off your purchase

Who runs this show? Who are the coaches?

Our junior skaters are coached by adult LRD skaters, coaches and officials. All trainers have undergone background screenings, are certified and have completed the coursework for the APS Safe Sport training and the CDC Heads Up Concussion training. More about those trainings can be found here.

We will have at least one CPR certified coach or league member at each session, and there may be additional skaters, league members or administrators to be a resource and answer any skater or parent questions.

Co- Coach | Jahr

Co- Coach | Abby

Co-Coach | Strega

Parent Liaison / Recruitment & Retention | Meowch

Training Team | Hemi

Training Team | Mads

Training Team | Axl

Training Team | Soc